XIV International Symposium on Flower Bulbs and Herbaceous Perennials 2024
Warsaw, Poland
Honorary patronage of the Rector of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences

The XIV International Symposium on Flower Bulbs and Herbaceous Perennials will be held under the auspices of the International Society for Horticultural Sciences in Warsaw, Poland, from 14 to 19 April 2024. This symposium brings together scientists, breeders and experts working on ornamental geophytes and herbaceous perennials from the host country Poland and around the World.
The symposium will cover topics on:
- Propagation, cultivation and forcing
- Flowering, postharvest and storage physiology
- Biodiversity and genetic resources
- Genetics, biotechnology and breeding
- Plant protection
- Using in landscape and for other purposes
The project was co-financed from state budget funds granted by the Polish Minister of Education and Science within the framework of the "Excellent Science II" Program.
Invited Speakers

Symposium Venue
Symposium will be held on Campus of Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) in Warsaw, Poland, The Crystal Hall (Aula KrysztaÅ‚owa) – No. 9 on the map of Campus.
Address: 166 Nowoursynowska Street, 02-787 Warsaw, Poland
Public Bus line 148 connects directly Chopin Airport with Symposium Venue at Campus of Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Nowoursynowska Street – bus stop SGGW Rektorat)

The Crystal Hall (Aula Kryształowa)
About Warsaw University of Life Sciences
The Warsaw University of Life Sciences is the oldest agricultural and natural science university in Poland, its origins dating back to 1816. The school is a thriving academic center, receiving recognition and unflagging interest among young people and teaching staff in Poland and abroad, valued for its care for the quality of education, faithfulness to the best university traditions, openness to change, and dynamic development.
The university offers 40 fields of study (including 9 taught in English): from natural science and technology to veterinary medicine, social and economic studies. There are nearly 16,000 students in full-time, part-time, doctoral, and post-graduate study courses as well as under international student exchange. Modern research centres and laboratories at our disposal, as well as the presence of outstanding experts, allow us to educate and conduct world-class research and transfer results to the economy, which has an impact on innovation and progress in, inter alia, agriculture, food economy and medicine, and contributes to the growing importance of Polish science in the world. Our head office is located in the district of Ursynów, Warsaw, but we also have out-of-town centres which allow for doing research, experimental work, internships and field exercises. Additionally, we have picturesquely situated leisure centres that are excellent places to organize conferences, scientific and creative meetings, and recreation for our employees and students.

About International Society for Horticultural Science
The World's Leading Independent Organization of Horticultural Scientists
The International Society for Horticultural Science - in short ISHS – is a truly global network comprising over 70,000 individuals, universities, governments, institutions, libraries and commercial companies, thousands of whom joined as Individual Members, in addition to a substantial number of Institutional Members and some 50 Member Countries/Regions. It is a major source of up-to-date information on global horticultural research. ISHS aims to promote research in all branches of horticulture.
It encourages the development of international cooperation, bringing together scientific and technical professionals to stimulate, facilitate and co-ordinate research and scientific activities on a global scale.
Joining ISHS
If you have not joined, now is your opportunity! More details on ISHS membership, including an online application form can be found at www.ishs.org/members.
About The National Institute of Horticultural Research in Skierniewice
The National Institute of Horticulture Research was established on January 1, 2011, under the directive of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, by merging of two research institutes with a long tradition in research, development and implementation achievements – the Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture, and the Research Institute of Vegetable Crops. The Institute is located in Skierniewice – the capital of horticultural research.
The National Institute of Horticulture Research continues the work of previous generations of scientists who have left a permanent mark in the history of Polish Horticulture and fully deserves to be described as a modern research institution that can meet the difficult challenges of modern horticulture.
The basic and applied research conducted at the Institute covers all areas related to the fruit production , vegetables, ornamental plants and edible mushrooms, ranging from physiology, biochemistry and molecular biology, through biotechnology, creative and classical plant breeding, protection of genetic resources, plant protection against pests, to agronomy, processing and storage of fruit and vegetables, agroengineering, and economics. The Institute also conducts research in the field of bee science, including bee breeding, apiary technologies, the quality of bee products, and pollination of plants. The National Institute of Horticulture Research consists of eleven scientific Departments directly involved in the implementation of research and development work for the horticultural sector.
The scientific studies conducted at the Institute are in line with the trends in the social and economic development of the country, as well as the principles of the Common Agricultural Policy implemented by countries of the European Union. They are focused on developing new technologies and acquiring the necessary knowledge for further development of the horticultural sector in Poland. Particular attention is paid to issues related to organically grown crops.